Anti Virus Products, News and Information

Anti Virus Article Antivirus Prevention: Keeping Computers Free From A Virus New computer viruses are being created everyday by cyber criminals who are working hard towards achieving their aim. Eugene Kaspersky, a computer security researcher, reported in an article in Security News of November, 2005 that his lab receives 200 to 300 new samples of viruses and Trojans everyday. This shows the enormity of the problem. Firewalls can filter out or warn potential virus threats but they can not completely eliminate them because viruses can be hidden in several ways in data as well as in programs to escape from firewalls detection. Prevention is better than cure, so goes a saying. But it may not always be possible to prevent all types of virus threats and eliminating the virus that has surreptiously entered the system will have to be resorted to sooner or later. Good antivirus software is a must to detect viruses and quarantine or eliminate them. There is a wide variety of antivirus programs available in the market and the following is a quick guide to finding the good ones. Freeware the latest anti virus To conclude, in order to protect from viruses the computer user must have good anti virus software that is constantly updated, follow safe practices and he / she must always be alert any new developments as the battle is an ongoing and continuous one.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010




Photo of WIFI-W300

The EVDO/HSDPA-WiFi Router lets you share your broadband Internet access quickly and easily with connection to a 3G/2G (EVDO / HSPA / TD-SCDMA / EDGE) USB modem. It can be an alternative or backup to ADSL/cable modem and reduce the cost for multiple 3G subscriptions.

You just need to connect the router to a USB modem via the USB port, and then each WiFi-enabled device (such as a notebook, desktop PC, PDA, game console, cell phone, MP3 player) can connect to the Internet when within the range of the router. The router can support 20 to 30 users.

See the overview of 3g WiFi Router here.

Application Diagram of WIFI-W300

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Information Technology in 2010

Information Technology in 2010


I was asked by a major IT magazine how I thought Information Technology would be different in the 2010. Bill Gates said in the Road Ahead, “We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next 10.” He’s right, but this is on the cusp of being in between, it’s only 3 years away. I would actually prefer to describe further in the future with my promised write-up of the Davos Connected User in 2015 session.

Here are my prognostications:

  1. Storage and the network bandwidth to store and access information is growing much faster than computing causing an explosion in content creation. This will make content management one of the most important information technologies and new technologies will emerge to automatically find, organize, verify and visualize content.
  2. Content and content management will increasingly be delivered in two main forms - appliances and on-line services. Extremely simple, purpose-built physical appliances for household and office use will capture and organize documents, photos, music and video. Software appliances, configured as virtual machines for specific tasks, will be downloaded from the internet to generic hardware that will come in sizes Small, Medium or Large.
  3. On-line collaborative and content services will extend from Web 2.0 to the community developing sites and user experience with open source accelerating their rate of evolution. Mash-up technology will replace web services and will blur services as it blends internal and external services. Services will start to spill over into the physical world as shops and delivery become more integrated into requests from the internet.
  4. A new revolution in user interface design is just beginning as designers move from physical to soft design. Gesture control will make its way into handheld and notepad devices. User interfaces will move from 2D to 3D as gamers influence work habits and we may see the first holographic interfaces. Avatars will begin to replace dialogs as the request-response metaphor and we may see practical voice recognition and language understanding.
  5. Business computing will shift significantly from PCs to mobile devices as Blackberry-size devices capture more business activities and form factors improve. Ubiquitous internet access and informality espoused by blogs and instant messaging will lead to simpler forms of communication. Content will be consumed on something probably closer to a Playstation Portable and your very thin mobile phone.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

How to download youtube to pc

Now your can download your favourite video or movie. Please click this link and paste you url video or movie and download. Eazy, no need to install any software.............

Monday, March 2, 2009

Freeware the latest anti virus

Download antivirus and antispyware security software for Windows for free, join the millions of home users that trust AVG to high protection.